Trend Alert: Terrarium Treasures

Terrariums are something which have recently taken the home decor and cafe scene by storm. But have you considered incorporating them into your own wedding as centrepieces or favors?

What’s a terrarium, you ask? A terrarium is a collection of small plants growing in a transparent, sealed container. It’s sort of a mini, DIY eco-system filled with nature-inspired finds. They originated in the 1800's as a means to house exotic plants in temperate climates (such as the Central Tablelands!) and have enjoyed a recent comeback finding their way into the decor scene.

My favorite part? Terrariums can be made weeks before the wedding and still look perfect, since they do not require much care. This means you won’t be running around a few days before the wedding frantically assembling centrepieces.

Traditional terrariums use natural, eco-friendly materials and can be easily handmade. Ultimately they can contain any type of materials you dream of (rocks, moss, grass, succulents etc.) and incorporate personalised details such as mini deers, instruments, tiny toadstools, wooden letters – there are literally no rules.

A modern take on the terrarium concept can be seen in the photo accompanying this post. Take the idea and make it yours I say!

These tiny nature-filled treasures can add an old-world flair and look great as centerpieces or favors at your rustic wedding. Plus because they are long lasting you can give them away as favors to your bridal party or family!